Sunday, December 30, 2012

Power Center Server Variable Directories

Power Center Server Variable Directories
The installation program creates the following directories under the installation directory to store session files and caches associated with each PowerCenter Server:
  • BadFiles
  • Cache
  • ExtProc
  • LkpFiles
  • SessLogs
  • SrcFiles
  • Temp
  • TgtFiles
  • WorkflowLogs
All workflows use these directories by default
Server Variables
·         You can define server variables for each PowerCenter Server you register. Server variables define the path and directories for session and workflow output files and caches. You can also use server variables to define workflow properties, such as the number of workflow logs to archive.
·         The installation process creates default directories in the location where you install the PowerCenter Server. By default, the PowerCenter Server writes output files in these directories when you run a workflow. To use these directories as the default location for the session and workflow output files, you must configure the server variable $PMRootDir to define the path to the directories.
·         Sessions and workflows are configured to use server directories by default. You can override the default by entering different directories session or workflow properties.
·         For example, you might have a PowerCenter Server running all workflows in a repository. If you define the server variable for workflow logs directory as c:\pmserver\workflowlog, the PowerCenter Server saves the workflow log for each workflow in c:\pmserver\workflowlog by default.
·         If you change the default server directories, make sure the designated directories exist before running a workflow. If the PowerCenter Server cannot resolve a directory during the workflow, it cannot run the workflow.
·         By using server variables instead of hard-coding directories and parameters, you simplify the process of changing the PowerCenter Server that runs a workflow. If each workflow in a development folder uses server variables, then when you copy the folder to a production repository, the production server can run the workflow as configured. When the production server runs the workflow, it uses the directories configured for its server variables. If, instead, you changed workflow to use hard-coded directories, workflows fail if those directories do not exist on the production server.

lists the server variables you configure when you register a PowerCenter Server:

Server Variables
Server Variable
A root directory to be used by any or all other server variables. Informatica recommends you use the PowerCenter Server installation directory as the root directory.
Default directory for session logs. Defaults to $PMRootDir/SessLogs.
Default directory for reject files. Defaults to $PMRootDir/BadFiles.
Default directory for the lookup cache, index and data caches, and index and data files. To avoid performance problems, always use a drive local to the PowerCenter Server for the cache directory. Do not use a mapped or mounted drive for cache files. Defaults to $PMRootDir/Cache.
Default directory for target files. Defaults to $PMRootDir/TgtFiles.
Default directory for source files. Defaults to $PMRootDir/SrcFiles.
Default directory for external procedures. Defaults to $PMRootDir/ExtProc.
Default directory for temporary files. Defaults to $PMRootDir/Temp.
Email address to receive post-session email when the session completes successfully. Use to address post-session email.
Email address to receive post-session email when the session fails. Use to address post-session email. Default is an empty string. For details, see “Sending Emails” in the Workflow Administration Guide.
Number of session logs the PowerCenter Server archives for the session. Defaults to 0. Use to archive session logs. For details, see “Log Files” in the Workflow Administration Guide.
Number of non-fatal errors the PowerCenter Server allows before failing the session. Non-fatal errors include reader, writer, and DTM errors. If you want to stop the session on errors, enter the number of non-fatal errors you want to allow before stopping the session. The PowerCenter Server maintains an independent error count for each source, target, and transformation. Use to configure the Stop On option in the session properties.
Defaults to 0. If you use the default setting, non-fatal errors do not cause the session to stop.
Default directory for workflow logs. Defaults to $PMRootDir/WorkflowLogs.
Number of workflow logs the PowerCenter Server archives for the workflow. Use to archive workflow logs. Defaults to 0.
Default directory for lookup files. Defaults to $PMRootDir/LkpFiles.

1 comment:

Thank you :
- kareem