Wednesday, August 8, 2012

List of useful Data dictionary views

List of useful Data dictionary views
List of useful Data dictionary views which might come in handy in situations!

1. DBC.users 
This view gives current user information

2. dbc.sessioninfo
This view gives information about
- details of  users currently logged in

This view list all the databases present in the given teradata database system. ALso contains useful information like

It gives information on the index created for given table

It gives information about all the Tables(T), views(V), macros(M), triggers(G), and stored procedures .

It Provides information about partitioned primary index constraints.
'Q' indicates a table with a PPI

7. DBC.DiskSpace

It provides information about disk space usage (including spool) for any database or account.
SELECT      DatabaseName
,CAST (SUM (MaxPerm) AS FORMAT 'zzz,zzz,zz9')
        ,CAST (SUM (CurrentPerm) AS FORMAT 'zzz,zzz,zz9')
        ,CAST (((SUM (CurrentPerm))/
                NULLIFZERO (SUM(MaxPerm)) * 100)
                AS FORMAT 'zz9.99%') AS "% Used"
FROM   DBC.DiskSpace

8. DBC.TableSize

It provides information about disk space usage (excluding spool) for any database, table or account
SELECT      Vproc
        ,CAST (TableName
                 AS FORMAT 'X(20)')
FROM   DBC.TableSize
WHERE DatabaseName = USER
ORDER BY           TableName, Vproc ;

9. DBC.AllSpace

It provides information about disk space usage (including spool) for any database, table, or account.
SELECT      Vproc
        ,CAST (TableName AS
                FORMAT 'X(20)')
FROM   DBC.AllSpace
WHERE DatabaseName = USER
ORDER BY   TableName, Vproc ;

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Thank you :
- kareem