55. What r the types of mapping in Getting Started Wizard?
Simple Pass through mapping:
Loads a static fact or dimension table by inserting all rows. Use this mapping when you Want to drop all existing data from your table before loading new data.
Slowly Growing target:
Loads a slowly growing fact or dimension table by inserting new rows. Use this mapping to load new data when existing data does not require updates.
56. What r the mappings that we use for slowly changing dimension table?
Type1: Rows containing changes to existing dimensions are updated in the target by overwriting the existing dimension. In the Type 1 Dimension mapping, all rows contain current dimension data. Use the Type 1 Dimension mapping to update a slowly changing dimension table when you do not need to keep any previous versions of dimensions in the table.
Type 2: The Type 2 Dimension Data mapping inserts both new and changed dimensions into the target. Changes are tracked in the target table by versioning the primary key and creating a version number for each dimension in the table. Use the Type 2 Dimension/Version Data mapping to update a slowly
changing dimension table when you want to keep a full history of dimension data in the table. Version numbers and versioned primary keys track the order of changes to each dimension.
Type 3: The Type 3 Dimension mapping filters source rows based on user-defined comparisons and inserts only those found to be new dimensions to the target. Rows containing changes to existing dimensions are updated in the target. When updating an existing dimension, the Informatica Server saves existing data in different columns of the same row and replaces the existing data with the updates
57. What r the different types of Type2 dimension mapping?
Type2 Dimension/Version Data Mapping: In this mapping the updated dimension in he source will gets inserted in target along with a new version number. And newly added dimension in source will inserted into target with a primary key.
Type2 Dimension/Flag current Mapping: This mapping is also used for slowly changing dimensions. In addition it creates a flag value for changed or new dimension.Flag indicates the dimension is new or newlyupdated.Recent dimensions will gets saved with current flag value 1. And updated dimensions r saved with the value 0.
Type2 Dimension/Effective Date Range Mapping: This is also one flavour of Type2 mapping used for slowly changing dimensions.This mapping also inserts both new and changed dimensions in to the target.And changes r tracked by the effective date range for each version of each dimension.
58. How can u recognise whether or not the newly added rows in the source r gets insert in the target ?
In the Type2 mapping we have three options to recognise the newly added rows Version number, flagvalue, Effective date Range
59. What r two types of processes that informatica runs the session?
Load manager Process: Starts the session, creates the DTM process, and sends post-session email when the session completes.
The DTM process. Creates threads to initialize the session, read, write, and transform data, and handle pre- and post-session operations.
60. What r the new features of the server manager in the informatica 5.0?
U can use command line arguments for a session or batch.This allows U to change the
values of session parameters,and mapping parameters and mapping variables.
Parallel data processig: This feature is available for powercenter only.If we use the
informatica server on a SMP system,U can use multiple CPU's to process a session
Process session data using threads: Informatica server runs the session in two
processes.Explained in previous question.
61. Can u generate reports in Informatcia?
Yes. By using Metadata reporter we can generate reports in informatica.
62. What is metadata reporter?
It is a web based application that enables you to run reports against repository metadata. With a metadata reporter,u can access information about U'r repository with out having knowledge of sql,transformation language or underlying tables in the repository.
63. Define mapping and sessions?
Mapping: It is a set of source and target definitions linked by transformation objects that define the rules for transformation.
Session : It is a set of instructions that describe how and when to move data from source to targets.
64. Which tool U use to create and manage sessions and batches and to monitor and stop the informatica server?
Informatica server manager.
65. Why we use partitioning the session in informatica?
Partitioning achieves the session performance by reducing the time period of reading the source and loading the data into target.
66. To achieve the session partition what r the necessary tasks u have to do?
Configure the session to partition source data. Install the informatica server on a machine with multiple CPU's.
67 .How the informatica server increases the session performance through partitioning the source?
For a relational sources informatica server creates multiple connections for each partition of a single source and extracts seperate range of data for each connection.Informatica server reads multiple partitions of a single source concurently.Similarly for loading also informatica server creates multiple connections to the target and loads partitions of data concurently.
For XML and file sources,informatica server reads multiple files concurently.For loading the data informatica server creates a seperate file for each partition(of a source file).U can choose to merge the targets.
68. Why u use repository connectivity?
When u edit,schedule the sesion each time,informatica server directly communicates the repository to check whether or not the session and users r valid.All the metadata of sessions and mappings will be stored in repository.
69. What r the tasks that Loadmanger process will do?
Manages the session and batch scheduling: When u start the informatica server the load maneger launches and queries the repository for a list of sessions configured to run on the informatica server. When u configure the session the loadmanager maintains list of list of sessions and session start times.When u sart a session loadmanger fetches the session information from the repository to perform the validations and verifications prior to starting DTM process.
Locking and reading the session: When the informatica server starts a session loadmaager locks the session from the repository.Locking prevents U starting the session again and again.
Reading the parameter file: If the session uses a parameter files,loadmanager reads the parameter file and verifies that the session level parematers are declared in the file
Verifies permission and privelleges: When the sesson starts load manger checks whether or not the user have privelleges to run the session.
Creating log files: Loadmanger creates logfile contains the status of session.
70. What is DTM process?
After the loadmanger performs validations for session,it creates the DTM process.DTM is to create and manage the threads that carry out the session tasks.I creates the master thread.Master thread creates and manges all the other threads.
71. What r the different threads in DTM process?
Master thread: Creates and manages all other threads
Mapping thread: One mapping thread will be creates for each session.Fectchs session and mapping info
Pre and post session threads: This will be created to perform pre and post session operations.
Reader thread: One thread will be created for each partition of a source.It reads data from source.
Writer thread: It will be created to load data to the target.
Transformation thread: It will be created to tranform data.
72. What r the data movement modes in informatcia?
Datamovement modes determines how informatica server handles the charector data.U choose the datamovement in the informatica server configuration settings.Two types of datamovement modes avialable in informatica.
ASCII mode
Uni code mode.
73. What r the out put files that the informatica server creates during the session running?
Informatica server log: Informatica server(on unix) creates a log for all status and error messages(default name: pm.server.log).It also creates an error log for error messages.These files will be created in informatica home directory.
Session log file: Informatica server creates session log file for each session.It writes information about session into log files such as initialization process,creation of sql commands for reader and writer threads,errors encountered and load summary.The amount of detail in session log file depends on the tracing level that u set.
Session detail file: This file contains load statistics for each targets in mapping.Session detail include information such as table name,number of rows written or rejected.U can view this file by double clicking on the session in monitor window
Performance detail file: This file contains information known as session performance details which helps U where performance can be improved.To genarate this file select the performance detail option in the session property sheet.
Reject file: This file contains the rows of data that the writer does notwrite to targets.
Control file: Informatica server creates control file and a target file when U run a session that uses the external loader.The control file contains the information about the target flat file such as data format and loading instructios for the external loader.
Post session email: Post session email allows U to automatically communicate information about a session run to designated recipents.U can create two different messages.One if the session completed sucessfully the other if the session fails.
Indicator file: If u use the flat file as a target,U can configure the informatica server to create indicator file.For each target row,the indicator file contains a number to indicate whether the row was marked for insert,update,delete or reject.
output file: If session writes to a target file,the informatica server creates the target file based on file prpoerties entered in the session property sheet.
Cache files: When the informatica server creates memory cache it also creates cache files.For the following circumstances informatica server creates index and datacache files.
Aggreagtor transformation
Joiner transformation
Rank transformation
Lookup transformation
74. In which circumstances that informatica server creates Reject files?
When it encounters the DD_Reject in update strategy transformation. Violates database constraint Filed in the rows was truncated or overflowed.
75. What is polling?
It displays the updated information about the session in the monitor window.The monitor window
displays the status of each session when U poll the informatica server
76. Can u copy the session to a different folder or repository?
Yes. By using copy session wizard u can copy a session in a different folder or repository.But that target folder or repository should consists of mapping of that session.If target folder or repository is not having the mapping of copying session , u should have to copy that mapping first before u copy the
77. What is batch and describe about types of batches?
Grouping of session is known as batch.Batches r two types
Sequential: Runs sessions one after the other
Concurrent: Runs session at same time.
If u have sessions with source-target dependencies u have to go for sequential batch to start the sessions one after another.If u have several independent sessions u can use concurrent batches.Whcih runs all the sessions at the same time.
78. Can u copy the batches? NO
79. How many number of sessions that u can create in a batch?
Any number of sessions.
80. When the informatica server marks that a batch is failed?
If one of session is configured to "run if previous completes"
and that previous session fails.
81. What is a command that used to run a batch?
pmcmd is used to start a batch.
82. What r the different options used to configure the sequential
Two options Run the session only if previous session completes
Always runs the session.
83. In a sequential batch can u run the session if previous session fails?
Yes.By setting the option always runs the session.
84. Can u start a batches with in a batch?
U can not. If u want to start batch that resides in a
batch,create a new independent
batch and copy the necessary sessions into the new batch.
85. Can u start a session inside a batch idividually?
We can start our required session only in case of sequential batch.in case of
concurrent batch we cant do like this.
86. How can u stop a batch? By using server manager or pmcmd.
87. What r the session parameters?
Session parameters r like mapping parameters,represent values U might want to change between sessions such as database connections or source files.
Server manager also allows U to create userdefined session parameters.Following r user defined session parameters.
Database connections
Source file names: use this parameter when u want to change the name or location of session source file between session runs
Target file name : Use this parameter when u want to change the name or location of session target file between session runs.
Reject file name : Use this parameter when u want to change
the name or location of
session reject files between session runs.
88. What is parameter file?
Parameter file is to define the values for parameters and variables used in a session. A parameter file is a file created by text editor such as word pad or notepad. U can define the following values in parameter file
Mapping parameters
Mapping variables
session parameters
89. How can u access the remote source into U'r session?
Relational source: To acess relational source which is situated in a remote place ,u need configure database connection to the datasource.
FileSource : To access the remote source file U must configure the FTP connection to the host machine before u create the session.
Hetrogenous : When U'r mapping contains more than one source type,the server manager creates a hetrogenous session that displays source options for all types.
90. What is difference between partioning of relatonal target and partitioning of file targets?
If u partition a session with a relational target informatica server creates multiple Connections to the target database to write target data concurently.
If u partition a session with a file target the informatica server creates one target file for each partition.U can configure session properties to merge these target files.
91. what r the transformations that restricts the partitioning of sessions?
Advanced External procedure tranformation and External procedure transformation:
This transformation contains a check box on the properties tab to allow partitioning.
Aggregator Transformation: If u use sorted ports u can not parttion the assosiated Source
Joiner Transformation : U can not partition the master source for a joiner Transformation
Normalizer Transformation XML targets.
92. Performance tuning in Informatica?
The goal of performance tuning is optimize session performance so sessions run during the available load window for the Informatica Server.Increase the session performance by following.
The performance of the Informatica Server is related to network connections. Data
generally moves across a network at less than 1 MB per second, whereas a local disk moves data five to twenty times faster. Thus network connections ofteny affect on session performance.So aviod
netwrok connections.
Flat files: If u'r flat files stored on a machine other than the informatca server, move those files to the machine that consists of informatica server.
Relational datasources: Minimize the connections to sources ,targets and informatica server to improve session performance.Moving target database into server system may improve session performance. Staging areas: If u use staging areas u force informatica server to perform multiple datapasses.
Removing of staging areas may improve session performance.
U can run the multiple informatica servers againist the same
repository.Distibuting the
session load to multiple informatica servers may improve session
Run the informatica server in ASCII datamovement mode improves
the session
performance.Because ASCII datamovement mode stores a character
value in one
byte.Unicode mode takes 2 bytes to store a character.
If a session joins multiple source tables in one Source
Qualifier, optimizing the query
may improve performance. Also, single table select statements
with an ORDER BY or
GROUP BY clause may benefit from optimization such as adding
We can improve the session performance by configuring the network
packet size,which
Allows data to cross the network at one time.To do this go to
server manger ,choose
server configure database connections.
If u r target consists key constraints and indexes u slow the
loading of data.To improve
the session performance in this case drop constraints and indexes
before u run the
session and rebuild them after completion of session.
Running a parallel sessions by using concurrent batches will
also reduce the time of
loading the
data.So concurent batches may also increase the session
Partittionig the session improves the session performance by
creating multiple
connections to sources and targets and loads data in paralel
pipe lines.
In some cases if a session contains a aggregator transformation
,u can use incremental
aggregation to improve session performance.
Aviod transformation errors to improve the session
If the sessioin containd lookup transformation u can improve
the session performance
by enabling the look up cache.
If U'r session contains filter transformation ,create that
filter transformation nearer to
the sources
or u can use filter condition in source qualifier.
Aggreagator,Rank and joiner transformation may oftenly decrease
the session
performance .Because they must group data before processing
it.To improve session
performance in this case use sorted ports option.
92. What is difference between mapplet and reusable transformation?
Mapplet consists of set of transformations that is reusable.A reusable transformation is A single transformation that can be reusable.
If u create a variables or parameters in mapplet that can not be used in another mapping or mapplet.Unlike the variables that r created in a reusable transformation can be usefull in any other mapping or mapplet.
We can not include source definitions in reusable
transformations.But we can add
sources to a mapplet.
Whole transformation logic will be hided in case of
mapplet.But it is transparent in
case of reusable transformation.
We cant use COBOL source qualifier,joiner,normalizer
transformations in
mapplet.Where as we can make them as a reusable
93. Define informatica repository?
The Informatica repository is a relational database that stores information, or metadata, used by the Informatica Server and Client tools.
Metadata can include information such as mappings describing how to transform source
data, sessions indicating when you want the Informatica Server to perform the transformations, and
connect strings for sources and targets. The repository also stores administrative information such as
usernames and passwords, permissions and privileges, and product version.
Use repository manager to create the repository.The Repository Manager connects to the repository database and runs the code needed to create the repository tables.Thsea tables stores metadata in specific format the informatica server,client
tools use.
94. What r the types of metadata that stores in repository?
Following r the types of metadata that stores in the repository
Database connections
Global objects
Multidimensional metadata
Reusable transformations
Sessions and batches
Short cuts
Source definitions
Target defintions
95. What is power center repository?
The PowerCenter repository allows you to share metadata across repositories to create a data mart domain. In a data mart domain, you can create a single global repository to store metadata used across an enterprise, and a number of local repositories to share the global metadata as needed.
96. How can u work with remote database in informatica?did u work directly by using remote connections?
To work with remote datasource u need to connect it with remote connections.But it is not preferable to work with that remote source directly by using remote connections . Instead u bring that source into U r local machine where informatica server resides.If u work directly with remote source the session performance will decreases by passing less amount of data across the network in a particular time.
97. What r the new features in Informatica 5.0?
U can Debug U'r mapping in mapping designer
U can view the work space over the entire screen
The designer displays a new icon for a invalid mappings in the navigator window
U can use a dynamic lookup cache in a lokup transformation
Create mapping parameters or mapping variables in a mapping or mapplet to make mappings more flexible
U can export objects into repository and import objects from repository.when u export
a repository object,the designer or server manager creates an XML file to describe the
pository metadata.
The designer allows u to use Router transformation to test data for multiple conditions.Router transformation allows u route groups of data to transformation or target.
U can use XML data as a source or target.
Server Enahancements:
U can use the command line program pmcmd to specify a parameter file to run sessions or batches.This allows you to change the values of session parameters, and mapping parameters and variables at runtime.
If you run the Informatica Server on a symmetric multi-processing system, you can use
multiple CPUs to process a session concurrently. You configure partitions in the session properties based on source qualifiers. The Informatica Server reads, transforms, and writes partitions of data in parallel for a single session. This is avialable for Power center only.
Informatica server creates two processes like loadmanager process,DTM process to
run the sessions.
Metadata Reporter: It is a web based application which is used to run reports againist
repository metadata.
U can copy the session across the folders and reposotories using the copy session wizard in the informatica server manager
With new email variables, you can configure post-session email to include information, such as the mapping used during the session
98. what is incremantal aggregation?
When using incremental aggregation, you apply captured changes in the source to aggregate calculations in a session. If the source changes only incrementally and you can capture changes, you can configure the session to process only those changes. This allows the Informatica Server to update your target incrementally, rather than forcing it o process the entire source and recalculate the same calculations each time you run the session.
99. What r the scheduling options to run a sesion?
U can shedule a session to run at a given time or intervel,or u can manually run the session.
Different options of scheduling
Run only on demand: Informatica server runs the session only when user starts session explicitly
Run once: Informatica server runs the session only once at a specified date and time.
Run every: Informatica server runs the session at regular intervels as u configured.
Customized repeat: Informatica server runs the session at the dats and times secified
in the repeat dialog box.
100 . What is tracing level and what r the types of tracing level?
Tracing level represents the amount of information that
informatcia server writes in a
log file.
Types of tracing level
Normal Verbose Verbose init Verbose data
101. What is difference between stored procedure transformation and external procedure transformation?
In case of storedprocedure transformation procedure will be compiled and executed in a relational data source.U need database connection to import the stored Procedure in to u'r mapping.Where as in external procedure transformation procedure or function will be executed out side of data
source.Ie u need to make it as a DLL to access in u r mapping.No need to have data base
connection in case of external procedure transformation.
102. Explain about Recovering sessions?
If you stop a session or if an error causes a session to stop, refer to the session and error logs to determine the cause of failure. Correct the errors, and then complete the session. The method you use to complete the session depends on the properties of the mapping, session, and Informatica Server configuration.
Use one of the following methods to complete the session:
• Run the session again if the Informatica Server has not issued a commit.
• Truncate the target tables and run the session again if the session is not recoverable.
• Consider performing recovery if the Informatica Server has issued at least one commit.
103. If a session fails after loading of 10,000 records in to the target. How can u load the records from 10001 the record when u run the session next time?
As explained above informatica server has 3 methods to recovering the sessions. Use performing recovery to load the records from where the session fails.
104. Explain about perform recovery?
When the Informatica Server starts a recovery session, it reads the OPB_SRVR_RECOVERY table and notes the row ID of the last row committed to the target database. The Informatica Server then reads all sources again and starts Processing from the next row ID. For example, if the Informatica
Server commits 10,000 rows before the session fails, when you run recovery, the Informatica Server bypasses the rows up to 10,000 and starts loading with row 10,001.
By default, Perform Recovery is disabled in the Informatica Server setup. You must enable Recovery in the Informatica Server setup before you run a session so the Informatica Server can create and/or write entries in the OPB_SRVR_RECOVERY Table.
105. How to recover the standalone session?
A Standalone session is a session that is not nested in a batch. If a standalone session fails, you can run recovery using a menu command or pmcmd. These options are not available for batched sessions. To recover sessions using the menu:
1. In the Server Manager, highlight the session you want to recover.
2. Select Server Requests-Stop from the menu.
3. With the failed session highlighted, select Server Requests-Start
Session in Recovery Mode from the menu.
To recover sessions using pmcmd:
1.From the command line, stop the session.
2. From the command line, start recovery.
106. How can u recover the session in sequential batches?
If you configure a session in a sequential batch to stop on failure, you can run recovery Starting with the failed session. The Informatica Server completes the session and then Runs the rest of the batch. Use the Perform Recovery session property
To recover sessions in sequential batches configured to stop on
1. In the Server Manager, open the session property sheet.
2. On the Log Files tab, select Perform Recovery, and click OK.
3. Run the session.
4. After the batch completes, open the session property sheet.
5. Clear Perform Recovery, and click OK.
If you do not clear Perform Recovery, the next time you run the
session, the Informatica Server attempts to recover the previous session.
If you do not configure a session in a sequential batch to stop on
failure, and the remaining sessions in the batch complete, recover the
failed session as a standalone session.
107. How to recover sessions in concurrent batches?
If multiple sessions in a concurrent batch fail, you might want to truncate all targets and run the batch again. However, if a session in a concurrent batch fails and the rest of the sessions complete successfully, you can recover the session as a standalone session.
To recover a session in a concurrent batch:
1.Copy the failed session using Operations-Copy Session.
2.Drag the copied session outside the batch to be a standalone session.
3.Follow the steps to recover a standalone session.
4.Delete the standalone copy.
108. How can u complete unrecoverable sessions?
Under certain circumstances, when a session does not complete, you need to truncate the target tables and run the session from the beginning. Run the session from the beginning when the Informatica Server cannot run recovery or when running recovery might result in inconsistent data.
109. What r the circumstances that informatica server results an unreciverable session?
The source qualifier transformation does not use sorted ports .if u change the partition information after the initial session fails. Perform recovery is disabled in the informatica server
configuration. If the sources or targets changes after initial session fails.
If the mapping consists of sequence generator or normalizer
If a concurrent batch contains multiple failed sessions.
110. If i done any modifications for my table in back end does it reflect in informatica Warehouse or mapping designer or source analyzer?
NO. Informatica is not at all concern with back end database. It displays u all the Information that is to be stored in repository. If want to reflect back end changes to informatica screens, again u have to import from back end to informatica by valid connection. And u have to replace the existing files with
imported files.
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Thank you :
- kareem